Local Rebates Available Now!

Stay updated with this list to see if there's an active locally-funded ebike incentive program in your area! Government ebike subsidies, grants, and rebates from local power districts are becoming increasingly popular, and we'll regularly update this list to ensure you don't miss out on the best opportunities to save on your Freedare ebike purchase.


February 1, 2023, the California Bicycle Coalition has published a series of incentives, $10 million for all low-income, no matter is individuals or families, for those people who want to get an electric bike, have a chance to get up to $1,000 off! For more detailed to learn click: http://www.calbike.org/bike_purchase_incentives/ 


Colorado has been committed to improving the air quality for all cities, in order to meet the gold, Colorado is offering up to $12 million in funding rebates, and this offer is especially just for electric bicycles. Click here to learn more: https://energyoffice.colorado.gov/transportation/ebikes/community-access-to-electric-bicycles-rebate-program


Hawaii has offered $500 to citizens who want to buy Ebike, and is currently is already available. For more details please click and check: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/5ab89258f10e4b53a91aaea0266cf90c


Worcester offers a two-year loan program, this program offered by Massachusetts' Accelerate Clean Transportation, and means to make citizens own their own E-Bike without too much pressure. Until now, 100 electric bicycles have been issued through the program. Moreover, Worcester also provides cycling safety training for those who own E-bikes people. click here to learn more:http://www.massbike.org/ebikeworcester 


Ashland's electric utility is offering its customers up to $300 of e-bike rebates, but you have to be clear that if you want to use this discount, you must purchase their e-bikes at a participating bike store in Ashland. Click here to learn more: https://ashlandor.org/climate-energy/find-resources/transportation/ 


Austin Government united with Austin's Utility Customer Assistance Program (CAP) offers up to $1,300 e-bike rebates for all customers, and this rebate is starting in January 2023. Click here to learn more: https://austinenergy.com/green-power/plug-in-austin/more-ways-to-go-electric/e-ride-rebate#:~:text=Starting%20in%202023%2C%20Customer%20Assistance,within%20the%20last%2060%20days


Vermont united with Green Mountain Power, if you purchase an electric bike between 1/1/23-12/31/23, you can receive a $200 rebate on an electric bike! Click here to learn more: https://greenmountainpower.com/rebates-programs/electric-vehicles/electric-bike-rebate/ 

If you live in Burlington, Vermont government will be giveaway an electric bike rebate worth $200 immediately! Click here to learn more: https://www.burlingtonelectric.com/ebike 

Select Northeast and Central Vermont
Vermont Government united The Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) and offered a $100 e-bike rebate to customers who live in Select Northeast and Central Vermont and purchase an e-bike within the state! Click here to learn more: https://vppsa.com/e-bike-and-retrofit-kit-rebate-2020/ 


South Protland
If you're an income-qualified individual South Portland residents, you can receive a rebate of up to $500 for purchasing a new ebike. Click here to learn more: https://southportland.org/departments/sustainability-office/buildings-energy/electrify/#rebates


The Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) is currently providing rebates of $300 for ebike purchases. Applying for this rebate is a breeze with a quick and simple application process. Click here to learn more: https://www.eweb.org/environment-and-climate/electric-transportation/e-bike